Play sights
installation of ink drawings on cloth diaper, video (51min 03s)”
I spent 3 months in Žilina with my children and I was discovering the places in the city and its surroundings where my children were playing spontaneously. I didn't search for regular playgrounds but places which were not originally dedicated (intended) for play. Children perceive space around them without the lknowledge of its correct purpose. They like spatial irregularities, various rails, walls, steps, fences, where they can climb, hang, jump, slip, examine possibilities of the space and their own possibilities. Another thing which fascinated them is nature and its elements as water, ground, various plants, trees. By observing the children play I was also observing the life in the city, how the people spend time in the city, how the city is open to the people. At the same time, I was searching for new places in the periphery of the city where we wouldn't meet a lot of people, to reduce the social contact as it is recommended in the time of the Corona epidemic. The work is a portrait of the city as seen by the mother of small children.I find this work as a positive part of motherhood which allows us the feel of freedom, imagination, exploration.