Cause – Consequence
2- channel animation, installation on digi-frames screens in the coign of the gallery, 6'34”
2- channel animation, installation on digi-frames screens in the coign of the gallery, 6'34”
Work is based on the juxtaposition of two animations. First one is the textual analysis of the fiction from Teresa Vansova, one of the first Slovak feminine writers in Slovakia from the 19th century. The linear narration is reduced to the sequence of the verbs of the feminine characters from the fiction, written by hand on white paper. Second animation shows the feminine figure which makes the series of monotonous movements. The figure and the empty background are painted by the style reminding the academic painting, in the left corner flicker the words from the cash vouchers. The name of work refers to the principle of causality which is constitutive principle of narration. In the imaging animation it's reduced to its physical demonstration. The actions are not based on narration, they are stereotypical series of movements which reminds of the physical exercises. The act of painting every frame by hand is underlined and refers to the stereotypical routine movement of the feminine body.